3 min read
Unrivaled Style: The Story of a South Korean Fashion Influencer Capturing the World with His Influence

Name: Siwan Choi.
Age: 33 years old.

- How did you start influencer? And what was your first big break in the sosial?

About communicating with an unspecified number of people through Instagram because I felt attracted to it, I continued to engage in activities. It started naturallyI haven't taken a break from my social activities yet. I plan to continue being active in the future.

- What, according to you, is the best part of your work?

I like my eyes and attitude the most on the outside, it seems like it's difficult to get close to people, butI'm actually kind, so people tell me, they say they feel more attractive.

- Who were some of the essential people who helped you get where you are today?

Influencer friends who created good content with their Instagram followers and my friends and my family always support me, no matter what I do.

- What was the most memorable show you ever walked?

M.net Mama Awards! It was a very exciting experience to be able to see the K-pop idol in person.

- Has your perception of the fashion and beauty industry changed over time?

That's right, fashion and beauty are the focus of my life now. It is an essential part of the fashion and beauty industry. I have personally felt that it has made great progress, and I expect that it will continue to develop infinitely in the future.

- The entertainment industry is said to be full of stress and pressure; what do you do to tackle the pressure that comes with your work?

Because working without stopping is actually poisonous. I tend to set aside a day off where I don't do anything. That way, I can recharge my stamina and control stress.

- Who are some of the dream clients you’d like to work with?

Always Dior!

- Do you think that what you have learned has relevance in the fashion industry of the world today?

I majored in entertainment management in college, and fashion and entertainment are inseparable. Because it is a relationship, I always check the trends in both industries and apply them to myself. It is very important to me right now. It's an industry

- Do you think that social media has helped you with your cause?

It was a great help and gave me a lot of experience. I look forward to the future.

- I would say we live in a very strange time for fashion, especially because of the huge impact of social media. Did social media change your world?

As fashion to be seen on social media becomes more important, fast fashion has developed further. Compared to that, I think the quality of the clothes is low. I'm sorry about this part...

- How did your interest and passion for fashion begin?

My parents paid a lot of attention to my fashion since I was young. I became fascinated with fashion and because I am short, II naturally grew up praying a lot while researching how to look taller, look cool, and stand out more, and my research continues even now.

- How difficult it is to establish yourself in the social media?

There are many influencers and they have many personalities. Among them, establishing oneself isIt's so difficult. It's still difficult for me. But one thing you must know isIt is important to never imitate others. Because I am the only one in the worldIf I show you my own concept! There will be more followers who love me.

- Name three things on your bucket list?

Travel to America. Independent living. Fan meeting...

- Which three songs are you listening to on repeat at the moment?

New jeans-Ditto
Nct dream-Candy.

- Which three Instagram accounts should we be following?

@learnupkr @taeri__taeri
And I am @siwan_xia

- Do you collect anything?

I collect vintage pants dolls.

- Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

Representative of a fashion shopping mall!

- Who would you most like to collaborate with?

Dior Dior Dior always Dior❤!

- As a Influencer, how do you feel about being different and having your own style in a world of fast fashion?

Being trendy but not forgetting who I am!

- What is the best advice you’ve been given?

You can do it!

- If you weren’t influencer, what would you be?

I think it must have been a really ordinary and boring life.

- How has your influencer career influenced your life?

I am expanding my range of styling by being able to experience a lot of fashion through collaboration with various brands.

- What’s something we should know about you that might surprise us?

I used to be a kpop idol and now I'm the head of a dermatology clinic.

- If you could go back to the past, is there anything you would change? 

If I go back to elementary school, I want to sleep early and exercise to grow taller ^^). 

- You have an impressive portfolio, what are some of your favorite brands and magazines that you’ve worked with in the past?

I am active and working as part of the MLB crew.
I really like the free and trendy design. This is brand work.

- If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before starting your influencer career what would it be?

I wish I could take better care of myself and become a person with good influence!

- Tell us and our readers a bit about yourself.

It's such an honor to interview you.
Although I am still an influencer who lacks a lot, I will become an even better person in the future, good influence on you, I will give it to you❤!